Nekar Xenos wrote:
> I've been thinking about how trees are distributed and I've noticed that in
> RL the dense growth tend to be in the valleys and "dents" and of course
> along streams and rivers. I think this has to do with how water flows when
> it rains and tends to accumulate in puddles obviousley carrying any loose
> seeds with it. Maybe an easy way to simulate this is by giving lower
> altitudes a higher denstiy and higher probabilty of clumps.
If you wanted to really do it right, you could find the height of your
target location, then sample the area immediately around it. If the
location is lower than its immediate surrounds (i.e., it's in a valley,
as opposed to being in the middle of a lowland plain), you would
increase the likelihood of planting a tree. :-)
That said, I'm really only intending to use this macro for this month's
TC-RTC stills round, and next month's animations round. The macro has
reached a point where I think it's just about good enough for my entries.
If anyone else wants to try adding extra features to the macro, by all
means go ahead. :-)
... I'm probably going to need to optimize this a bit more if I'm going
to use it for animation. Right now, I have a scene that takes forty
seconds just to parse. :-/
William Tracy
afi### [at] gmailcom -- wtr### [at] calpolyedu
If we were told to parse starting *after* the supplied String, then do
what we need to do to indicate pilot error.
-- Laird Nelson, blogging on Java programming
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